
英米文化学科【 Department of English Language, British and American Cultures 】

教員一覧(ロドニー ビドル)2023年4月1日時点

氏名 ロドニー ビドル Rodney Biddle
所属 文学部英米文化学科
教授  Professor
主な学歴 1981-1984. B.A. (with honours), Social Sciences. The Polytechnic, Wolverhampton.
1992-1997. M.A. (with honours), Japanese. The University of Edinburgh.
1992. RSA (Royal Society of Arts), Certificate in Teaching English as a Second language to Adults.
学位 1997-1998. 修士 Brighton University, M. A. Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
主な職歴 2001-2003 Meikai University, assistant professor.
2002-2004 Chuo University, part-time lecturer.
2001-2002 Kyorin University, part-time lecturer.
2001-2002 Kanagawa University, part-time lecturer.
2012-present Takasaki City University of Economics, part-time lecturer.
専門分野 English as a second language.
担当科目 Reading, writing, speaking, listening, cross cultural understanding, teaching methodology, TOEFL & TOEIC.
研究課題 Curriculum review and curriulum development.
著書 単著

Slicing the Mango. Ideas and Activities for and Understanding of the House on Mango Street.

Independently published.


論文 単著

Politeness in Japanese, Some Cultural and Cognitive Aspects.

Japanese Learner, vol. 27, Oxford University.



Japanese and Politeness, a Cultural Perspective.

The Journal of Selected Research Papers in Applied Lingustics, 14. Graduate School of Applied Lingusitcs, Meikai University.


単著 Developing Japanese Learners' Reading: Decoding and Vocalisation.

The Japanese Learner, vol.23,Oxford University.


単著 Metacognition and Metamemory for the Classroom : Areas of Learning. The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language Journal IATEFL Issues. 2002
単著 The Japanese Learner and Reading English. The Development of the Decoding and Vocalisation Skills in the Classroom. The Journal of Selected Research Papers in Applied Linguistics, No.15, Graduate School of Applied Linguistics, Meikai University. 2003.
単著 The Japanese Learner and Politeness in Japanese, Some Cultural and Cognitive Considerations. GPWU Studies in English Language and Literature. Vol. 5, 2003. 2003
単著 The Library. Gunma Prefectural Women's Library Journal. No.36. 2004
単著 Inferring Meaning from Texts. The Language Teacher. Tokyo:JALT. 2004
単著 Politeness-Groupism, Individuality, and Japanese Students in K.Bradford-Watts, C. Ikeguchi, & M. Swanson (Eds). JALT Conference Procedings. 2004

What makes a good English class? Perceptions of individualty and the group among Japanese EFL students.

The Language Teacher.


単著 Memory Mnemonics, a Working Memory Perspective. Bulletin of Gunma Prefectural Women's University, No.27. 2006
単著 Female Japanese Students:A Visuo-Spatial Divide. Bulletin of Gunma Prefectural Women's University, No.29. 2008
単著 Key Elements of the 1960's in America. Bulletin of Gunma Prefectural Women's University, No.31. 2010

The Notion of Institutional Racism.

Bulletin of Gunma Prefectural Women's University, No.32. 2011
単著 The British Class System. Bulletin of Gunma Prefectural Women's University, No.33. 2012
単著 Has Multiculturalism Failed in the UK? Bulletin of Gunma Prefectural Women's University, No.36. 2015
単著 Brexit: Britain and its Exit from the European Union. Bulletin of Gunma Prefectural Women's University. No.38. 2017

Methodological Approaches to the Teaching of Departmental Communication Classes: The Relevance of Meaning and Experience.

Gunma Prefectural Women's University Journal of Educational Research (Kyoshoku Kenkyu), vol.1. 2017.
単著 A Rationale for Reading. Gunma Prefectural Women's University, Studies in British and American Cultures, vol.8. 2017.

Aspects of British Culture: The Industrial Revolution, the Canals and Georgian Architecture.

Gunma Prefectural Women's University Journal of Educational Research (Kyoshoku Kenkyu ), vol.2. 2018.

Distributed Leadership: From Teacher to Student.

Gunma Prefectural Women's University, Studies in British and American Cultures, vol.9. 2019

Leadership in Schools: A Component of Student Learning.

高崎経済大学論集,第61巻3-4号. 2019

A Conceptual Framework for Identity, Metaphor and Theme in Sandra Cisneros' The House on Mango Street.

高崎経済大学論集, 第62巻 第2 号. 2019

Towards a holistic curriculum: Program cohesion and the enhancement of the student experience.

Bulletin of Gunma Prefectural Women's University, 41,139-154). 2020
Language and Culture-Looking at Japan. Gunma Women's Prefectural University. 2003
Politeness-Groupism, Individuality and Japanese Students. JALT Conference, Nara. 2004
Commentary. The Department of English Literature Performance Contest. April, 2003-March, 2009